Top 10 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software

What does an IDE do?

Vatsal Kumar
5 min readNov 25, 2022

A piece of software called an integrated development environment (IDE) helps programmers write software code effectively. It increases developer productivity by integrating software editing, building, testing, and packaging tasks in a user-friendly program.

What are the benefits of IDE?

These IDEs boost productivity by shortening setup times, accelerating development tasks, informing developers of the most recent risks and best practices, and standardizing the development process so everyone can follow along.

What are IDE and its advantages?

These IDEs boost productivity by shortening setup times, accelerating development tasks, informing developers of the most recent risks and best practices, and standardizing the development process so everyone can follow along.

What are IDE and its advantages?

These IDEs increase productivity by reducing setup time, speeding up development tasks, keeping developers up to date on the latest best practices and threats, and standardizing the development process so everyone can use it.

How many types of IDE are there?

Users can build on their choice of five IDEs with full integration, or opt to build within their web browser. Key Features: Single shared JavaScript code base for all mobile platforms. Code changes are applied instantly and look native on all devices.

What devices use IDE?

Hard Disk Drives (HDD), Solid State Drives (SSD), and CD/DVD drives are all connected to computers via the IDE interface. SATA is a standard hardware interface that links hard drives, SSDs, and CD/DVD drives to computers.

Now, let’s start with the top 10 best IDE software

10. IntelliJ IDEA

It is written in Java and is one of the most user-friendly programming environments. Its key aim is productivity and user experience. It has positive and dynamic suggestions when coding. It includes version control systems and supports a wide range of languages. It offers intelligent code completion, offering class and method names as we type. There is no need to use any third-party plugins. Intellij IDEA supports a wide variety of development tools. One of the few drawbacks is that low-end device performance is subpar.

9. Visual Studio

It is Microsoft’s IDE that is used to construct websites, web apps, and mobile apps. It possesses a wide range of skills, allowing it to build almost anything. It also supports IntelliSense coding in C++. It works with both Windows and Mac and allows us to create programs for any platform. It enables us to test applications and correct faults while they are running. Visual Studio is a free application. Visual Studio comes with its own search engine for finding Visual Studio features. The Team Foundation Server tool in Visual Studio is also quite handy; it allows the user to create a checkpoint and roll back to a previous version. The problem with Visual Studio is that it is a large application.

8. Eclipse

The Eclipse Foundation is in charge of its development. It works by providing a foundation workspace as well as an extending plugin environment from which we can download and change the available workspace. It allows for debugging and profiling. It supports drag-and-drop and allows us to run static analysis on the code. If you are familiar with the Eclipse IDE, you can code in any well-known language, such as Python, Java, or C++. This IDE is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS. Eclipse is completely free to use.

7. PyCharm

PyCharm is a Python-specific IDE created by JetBrains. It is most recognized for smart code completion, code inspections, real-time mistake highlighting, and lightning-fast repairs. It assists us in writing clean, maintainable code. It also provides excellent support for frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, and others. It connects with the IPython Notebook and allows us to use scientific libraries such as Numpy and Matplotlib. The PyCharm IDE is available for free. This IDE is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux.

6. Atom

Atom is most commonly used in web development. It is created by GitHub. Chris Wanstrath, the founder of GitHub, founded Atom. It is completely free and open source. It is cross-platform, supporting Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is very customizable and has a plethora of useful plugins. Atom’s key benefit is that it has an appealing UI and good color-coded syntax. The downside is that it has a long startup time.

5. Arduino IDE

C and C++ are used to develop the Arduino IDE. Its main function is to upload code to Arduino boards. It works with almost all microcontroller development boards on the market today. We can access the Arduino code from anywhere because it is stored in the cloud. The Arduino IDE supports both C and C++ because the majority of the device’s libraries are written in C++. However, because the majority of the underlying architecture of the Arduino is not object-oriented, it uses both C and C++.

4. NetBeans

Apache Software Foundation and Oracle collaborated to create NetBeans. It is a Java development environment. It enables the development of applications from components known as modules. Because it is controlled by the same business that owns Java, support for Java developers would be wonderful. It is also the official IDE for Java 8. It enables users to create desktop, mobile, and web apps. The autocomplete tool in NetBeans is really handy, and starting the server application is quite straightforward in NetBeans, but it takes a long time to start.

3. AWS Cloud9

Amazon developed it. It is a web-based integrated development environment. AWS Cloud9 supports a number of programming languages, including C, C++, Python, and JavaScript. Collaboration with AWS Cloud9 is a breeze. It allows us to run the development environment on a managed Amazon EC2 instance or other Linux servers that are available. We can also simulate the terminal using Linux commands in AWS Cloud9, allowing numerous developers to work concurrently. The disadvantage is that choosing an instance for a project is time-consuming.

2. Code::Blocks

The Code::Blocks team created it. C++ is used to write Code::Blocks. It is free and open-source software. Many compilers, including GCC and Visual C++, are supported by Code::Blocks. It is highly expandable and customizable. It is one of the top C and C++ IDEs. Code::Blocks’ GNU GCC compiler is extremely fast and scalable. For newcomers, Code::Blocks is relatively simple to use. Code::Blocks provides additional flexibility and is an excellent open-source IDE. The drawback of Code::Blocks is that the design appears a little boring.

1. Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web-based program, not a full-fledged IDE. It’s popular in data science, scientific computing, and machine learning. It is commonly used with Python, but it also supports other languages. It is also utilized for presentations and educational purposes. It also supports markdown, allowing us to integrate HTML components, audio, video, and so on. Fernando Perez and Brian Granger founded it.

(Bonus) Codepen

If you don’t wanna install any software and just make some small websites you can use

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Vatsal Kumar

Vatsal is a coding enthusiast, Youtuber and a horror story writer